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Our story

Moved into action by a vision given by Jesus Christ, Harshala Emmanuel pioneered the Beloved 2016 women's conference held at St Columba. The vision depicted the doors of St Columba wide open, with women of all ages and nationalities streaming in. Each had her own affliction - broken bones, broken hearts, bloodied wounds, mental trauma, physical illnesses and wearied spirits. Each lovingly invited to sit on God's lap, one at a time, to be healed, strengthened and transformed. Each given a strong sense of identity, value and relationship and then released them back into the world, their families, and communities to be a greater blessing than before (just like Abraham). 

We prepared and God showed up. His healing flowed and His tangible presence moved many hearts that day. And by overwhelmingly positive feedback and encouragement, we are preparing once again to bring the women of our community a platform to see and experience God's mighty and tender love. To be empowered and strengthened. To RISE UP and recognize the barriers holding us back in understanding and achieving God’s plan.  



It’s time as blessed daughters of Christ to act in bravery and confidence. Tear down the walls separating you from our Heavenly Father and bask in his grace. Drop your fears and burdens at his feet and allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with the knowledge that you are worthy to be loved and to serve. God loves us as we are, in fact he created us to be the best we can be especially in our imperfections.  


We're so excited to welcome you to be a part of our story and look forward to the stories you bring to share.


Come, women of God. Rise Up! Own your inheritance and put on your armor! God is calling you!


In grace, love and peace,


The Beloved team






2016 Beloved

conference photos

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